Interface IMundoProcessCallback

public interface IMundoProcessCallback
Process callback interface, you can implement this interface for process lifecycle callback
[email protected]
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default void
    onCreate(String packageName, String processName)
    The default implementation of the process callback
    default void
    onCreate(String packageName, String processName, String userName)
    Callback after the internal application node onCreate
    You can use the xposed callback here, and do something related to modifying el application
    default void
    Callback after the environment prepared, and you can modify the system service
    on this function.
  • Method Details

    • onCreate

      default void onCreate(String packageName, String processName)
      The default implementation of the process callback
      packageName - See the method onCreate(String, String, String)
      processName - See the method onCreate(String, String, String)
    • onCreate

      default void onCreate(String packageName, String processName, String userName)
      Callback after the internal application node onCreate
      You can use the xposed callback here, and do something related to modifying el application
      packageName - package name of the internal application
      processName - process name of current running application
      userName - the user name of current running application
    • onInitialized

      default void onInitialized()
      Callback after the environment prepared, and you can modify the system service
      on this function.
      This callback will only be called on the main UI thread,
      Do not put any time consumption tasks on this callback!