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acquireObtainAppSplash() - 类中的静态方法 net_62v.external.MetaPackageManager
Flush apps splash screen, must be called before you use the relevant api.
acquirePreloadNextProcess() - 类中的静态方法 net_62v.external.MetaActivityManager
You can call this function in your main activity.
Calling this method is not necessary.
This method will boost the first application launch progress.
acquireReleaseAppSplash() - 类中的静态方法 net_62v.external.MetaPackageManager
Release splash item to optimize app memory taken.
activateSdk(String) - 类中的静态方法 net_62v.external.MetaActivationManager
If you don't wanna configure your application node, you can activate your app by this method.
You can config your application node and add the meta data like
addServiceInterpreter(String, String, InvocationHandler) - 类中的静态方法 net_62v.external.MetaCore
Add a service interpreter, you can interpret system service by this method.
attachMetaBase(Context) - 类中的静态方法 net_62v.external.MetaCore
Can be called inside the attachBaseContext block.
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